"As you look at Jennifer’s photographs—printed on jute and placed in hand- embroidered “frames” sewn by the women of Behbud—I hope you reflect on the lives of these women and their connection to the broader movement for women’s liberation worldwide. When we truly see each other, and understand that we are all connected, we can better join together to call for collective action on the parts of governments and civil societies to reverse the alarming, backward trend of women’s rights globally.
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, June 26, 2024 from the letter for the exhibit
2024 Pasadena, June 26 - August 2 at the Boone Family Art Gallery and the V Gallery on PCC Campus
2023 November 2-3, Pakistan National Council on the Arts
In October of 2023 I worked with women from the International Islamic University, Islamabad on a project about women’s lives in Pakistan. The exhibit of photos, interviews and videos opened at the Pakistan National Council on the Arts on 2 November by Minister Jamal Shah, Pakistan Minister of Arts and Culture.
Women Without Borders: A Visual Study of Lives of Women in Pakistan is the result of a ten year relationship with Dr. Munazza Yaqoob and the women of the Critical Thinking Forum of the International Islamic University, Islamabad.
In October, 2023 we collaborated on a five week journey in Pakistan from the mountains of Chitral to the desert of Umerkot and I interviewed women about feminism, patriarchy, the women's movement, and their ideas for the future. It was an extraordinary experience.
My relationships with the women of the IIUI is not only important to me, but it is essential to my understanding of women’s rights here in the United States and globally.
Women have gained rights and power throughout the 20th century and now we are experiencing reversal. Patriarchy lives within us, it survives.
I believe that women must challenge restrictive patriarchal norms locally and globally.
I am certain we can create powerful networks of women. My friendships with the women of the Critical Thinking Forum at the IIUI remind me that we are connected across our borders. Our friendships strengthen us globally.
Thanks to the Dahlen Family of Pasadena for their support and generosity that enabled the travel to Pakistan in 2023 to create this exhibit.
Thank you to Pasadena City College and the United Nations Association, Pasadena for their generous support.
Thank you to the International Islamic University, Islamabad, the Critical Thinking Forum, the women who participated in the interviews, and Behbud Crafts. They all deserve my utmost appreciation for their time, generosity and infinite support. - Jennifer Hall Lee
Click for letter by Behbud
Testimonials: "I appreciate the work, I appreciate the art and certainly the chronicling of life ...it' so important for our community to reach out to other parts of the world and share our cultures, share our food and share our history because our futures are so intertwined.. This is a pivotal moment in time to be engaging in arts, in culture, and sharing the democracy. Congratulations and thank you for bringing terrific work and art to Pasadena and Pasadena City College."
- Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo
It was a great honor and pleasure to witness the “Women Without Borders: A Visual Study of Pakistani Women’s Lives” exhibit. I was deeply impressed by the art displays and even more so by the powerful stories behind them. Each piece was captivating and thought-provoking. The innovative method of projecting pictures on fabric drew me into the moments conveyed, creating a truly immersive experience. –Jabari Williams
“Walking through this exhibit is the kind of experience that keeps you thinking about it long after you’re gone.” - Mckenna Dahlen
“…powerful and impressive. I was reminded of the stark differences in women’s rights in Pakistan versus the United States and how much more needs to be done to achieve true equality for women across the world…As Ms. Hall Lee recounted, when she asked one woman what she perceived to be an advantage of being a woman in the U.S., she responded, "Women in the U.S. have the freedom to roam." This, in my mind, was a profound statement that solidified for me the important work Ms. Hall Lee is doing in giving voice to women across the world and facilitating cultural exchanges. -Dr. Brian McDonald
"The exhibit was mesmerizing and I think the medium you chose to exhibit was perfect. Really wonderful exhibit! I’ve never felt so simultaneously depressed and inspired. Congratulations." - Syd Smith
Handmade Charpai made in USA, woven by Munazza Yaqoob and Hina Abidi. Constructed by Jim Sanfilippo and painted by Jennifer Hall Lee
Women in Islamabad exhibit at PNCA
Pakistan poster
Pasadena City College poster
Feminist: Stories From Women’s Liberation Film
"...your film was, to me, a cinematic ray of light..." - Fran Luck, WBAI, New York
Distributed by Women Make Movies, Feminist: Stories won Best of the Fest for Documentary at the Women's International Film Festival. It has been shown around the world including Islamabad, Pakistan. In 2019 clips from the film were a part of the John & Yoko exhibit at the Museum of Liverpool
"...it felt like watching something documentary and experimental… Great stuff! Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts." - Becky Sharpe, UK
"I really know nothing about feminism but three quarters of the way through the film I found myself in tears to see so many clear-sighted, clear-speaking women comfortable in their ‘self’ and all speaking on the theme of standing up for women." - Joanne Woolger, UK
Website for purchase: https://www.wmm.com/catalog/film/feminist-stories-from-womens-liberation/
Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation testimonials
Women’s Liberation Movement exhibits
“She…told me how cool it was to get to explore the history of the women's liberation movement on a whim while studying” - Mel Aldama, Adult Services Library Assistant
This is a quick clip of the Women’s History Month 2020 exhibit I curated for the Altadena Library District. This is based on an extensive collection of original ephemera from the second wave of the women’s liberation movement.
Los Angeles Public Library, 2023
Lamanda Park Library in Pasadena, 2023
Altadena Public Library 2020
This art exhibit is really incredible, especially to get to see in a small library. -Altadena Main Library patron
Your collection drew a lot of interest and was appreciated by library visitors and staff. -Maida Lin Wong, Public Services Manager
A young female college student was studying in the reading court for a while. She noticed the exhibit behind her, got up and walked around and explored it, she later came up to the desk and told me how cool it was to get to explore the history of the women's liberation movement on a whim while studying. People took selfies with the poster of Shirley Chisholm and a large number of people took photos and selfies with the "Sex Objects in the Sky" book. -Mel Aldama, Adult Services Library Assistant
Atlanta Press Club interview with Boyd Lewis
Boyd Lewis in Altadena, California
Shot in Altadena this interview with photographer Boyd Lewis was created for the Atlanta Press Club in 2021. Lewis was a photographer in Mississippi, Alabama and then in Atlanta, Georgia during the Civil Rights Movement. He worked for black owned newspapers.
“The finished product is priceless” - Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy 2016
Documentary short, 3 minutes 45 seconds
"The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy is tremendously grateful to Jennifer Lee for her vision and execution of the project to promote awareness of our campaign to preserveCottonwood Canyon. She came up with a wonderful idea for a girl scout troop to create awareness by filming the beauty of the canyon and having the girls articulate the need to conserve it's natural open space as part of a wildlife corridor. She then guided them, and us, through the process of the film's creation - streamlining the process with great efficiency. The finished product is priceless, and will be the cornerstone of our fundraising campaign going forward." - Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy 2016
Documentary feature, 57minutes
This film was my first full length documentary. The archival footage of Mary Jane Colter was identified by me while searching for archival documents at the Grand Canyon offices.
Directed by Jennifer Hall Lee, Edited by Carol Brzezinski, Music composition by Robert Wait, Narrated by Ellen Burstyn
For an interview with Susan Stamberg of NPR where we discuss Colter's work in Winslow, AZ click here: http://www.npr.org/programs/specials/architecture/0011.colter.html
Premiered at Santa Barbara Film Festival 1998
Award winner from National Media Educational Network